Category: Calvary
Easter is For Those He Came to Save
Today marks the beginning of the holy weekend with Maundy Thursday and Passover taking place. If you’ve noticed, I put our Easter weekend schedule above. Prayerfully consider bringing a friend, a neighbor, a co-worker, or someone you know who doesn’t know the Lord. I’ve begun to dwell lately on the concept of eternity and the eternal ramifications of our choices on earth. The very idea of Hell, a place where you are forsaken, robbed of God’s presence for all eternity frightens me. → Read more...
Things Never Stay Buried
We like burying things. Feelings, emotions, debt, addictions, sin, problems, mistakes, and things that we’d rather forget rather than deal with it, we bury those things, sometime shallowly, sometimes deeply. But, like zombies, those things never stay buried. I, myself, was reminded once again of this principle this week: that the things that you thought you left behind a long time ago tend to claw out of the place you buried it and haunt you when you least expect it to. → Read more...
Quiet Solitude, We Hardly Knew Ye, Part II
Three observations. One. Last week, I briefly mentioned how I’ve been noticing the ubiquity of cell phones with teenagers. As cell phones have shrunk in size and increased in power, we’re starting to see live TV streams and iPod-like capability on them. So, not only is anyone able to reach you at any time, you can listen to music and watch TV anywhere and any time you want away from home. Two. I was at the mall the other day and I noticed there were TVs EVERYWHERE in addition to rotating printed oversized posters in the hallways, not to mention the normal store window advertisements. → Read more...
Quiet Solitude, We Hardly Knew Ye, Part I
On Tuesday nights, my wife and I have the unbelievable honor and privilege of helping with a small group for our teens who attend youth group here at Calvary. I remember vividly how bewildering adolescence and high school was, what with the mixture of hormones, the burgeoning awareness of one’s identity, the pressure to conform AND be individual, and trying to gain footing in a world that seems to grow exponentially the closer one gets to college. → Read more...
Spring Fever!
Well, February has faded into the mists of time and March has arrived. With its arrival comes the Daylight Saving Time. It begins anew this weekend at late Saturday evening/early Sunday morning at 2 a.m. So, don’t forget to change your clocks ahead one hour this weekend. This is your official Calvary reminder! So, I’ve been waiting, as many of you probably have been as well, for the passing of winter. The meteorologists are forecasting the mercury rising into the 60s again tomorrow. → Read more...
Comfort Makes Me Uncomfortable, Part II
Part I is right here. Money. It’s pretty much the dominant topic in the world today with the economies of most of the developed countries taking a severe hit in their financial markets. Stock markets are down. Lending is down. House sales are down. Even consumer spending is considerably down. In a market driven by capitalism and spending, this has a lot of people worried. Many a finger has been pointed at many different targets, but ultimately, we have ourselves to blame. → Read more...
Comfort Makes Me Uncomfortable, Part I
So, what does it mean to be comfortable? Let’s look: comfortable (kum’fər-tə-bəl, kumf’tə-bəl) adj. Providing physical comfort: a comfortable chair. Free from stress or anxiety; at ease: not comfortable about the interview. Producing feelings of ease or security: a comfortable person; a comfortable evening at home. Sufficient to provide financial security: comfortable earnings. I think we all can easily understand what that word means. There’s nothing I love more than coming home after work, kicking my sneakers off and plopping in my couch, remote in hand ready to cue up my TiVo DVR to watch whatever television goodness it has recorded for me. → Read more...
A Leap of Faith
April 16, 2009
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One of my favorite scenes in all of the cinema I’ve seen in my life is in 1989’s Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade. In it, Indy, played by Harrison Ford, is on the quest for the Holy Grail. In order to get to the room that houses the grail, Indy has to pass three separate tests. The first two he passes just fine, but on the third, he pauses. The third test is called “The Leap of Faith” where he has to cross a chasm that has no apparent bridge. → Read more...
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