Category: Xanga-Matt

Alright, it didn’t snow on Dec. 3 when I made that Xanga post, but I can safely say it’s SNOWING now. This makes for a happy Matt. Now, Happy Matt only exists when he’s somewhere safe and watching the snow. When Happy Matt gets in his car and drives, he becomes Nervous Matt and Nervous Matt was out in full force when he drove his girlfriend to her job. What was normally a 5-7 minute drive turned into a horrendous 25 minute drive complete with spinning tires, huge snowplows, idiot teenage drivers, frozen windshield wipers, and a lot of praying.  → Read more...

I spent the night cataloguing my DVDs. This is my entire collection combined with my girlfriend’s. Wow. So that’s where my money’s been going…  → Read more...

Up to 4 inches of snow is forecast for tonight! With all this snow, maybe we’ll have a white Christmas this year. Oh, yes. You know you wanna sing with me… I’m dreamin’ of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know…  → Read more...

There’s nothing like waking up and opening the window blinds to discover freshly fallen snow on the ground. It makes one positively giddy. It’s a perfect way to begin December, methinks.  → Read more...

So, Thanksgiving break… Thanksgiving was church, dinner with Amanda’s family. Friday was early morning shopping (6 a.m. to 10 a.m.) that netted us some great deals. Amanda worked Friday night and I went out with my best friend for a few beers. Saturday was helping my mom out with a camcorder, meeting Amanda for lunch, dropping her off at work and hanging out at my place. Sunday was church, going out for lunch with my mom, helping my mom bring up the Christmas tree, driving out to Joliet to help her mom set up the house for Christmas, playing a few games of Rack-o, and then home.  → Read more...

From my family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving!  →

An interesting question has been circulating around Xanga lately, thanks to Gen: Why do we blog? I’ve been reading the various answers that have been given. They’ve run a gamut of reasons, ranging from a quick way to keep family and friends updated to a personal online diary. Looking back through my older Xanga entries, I realized that I really started blogging seriously on Xanga in January, close to a year ago, in an effort to keep in touch with some new friends that I had made over a trip to Jamaica over Trinity’s interim.  → Read more...

This past Saturday, I went to a cousin’s wedding in Indiana without Amanda because she had to do a service project to fulfill her graduation service hours. Upon arriving, I found out that the reception would be at 5 p.m. (the wedding was at 1). I had already driven close to an hour to get to the wedding. I knew Amanda would be off by then, so I texted her on my phone to see if she wanted to come to the reception.  → Read more...

There’s nothing like coloring in coloring books. Especially Spiderman and Disney princesses.  → Read more...

Several people asked me what I was referring to in my last post. I wasn’t trying to be cryptic. Rather, I was musing on the oft quoted question that Shakespeare asked in Hamlet: “To be or not to be, that is the question.” I think it’s an important question that all of us should ask ourselves every now and then. Are we being or not being? In other words, are you who you want to be right now?  → Read more...
