Tag: creation

What It All Means

February 23, 2012


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What is the meaning of life? That’s the question man has chased for centuries since he was first awoken on this planet. Why am I here? Indeed, after thousands of years, it seems that man is no closer to deciphering that answer. Like a dog chasing its tail, he keeps going around and around in circles, looking to science to discover the answer, looking to drugs to get out of solving for the answer, looking to philosophy and acquired knowledge to deduce the answer, looking to the heavens (what he can see of it) to detect the answer, looking everywhere he can to find the answer.  → Read more...

Enjoying Creation

June 25, 2009


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It’s been hot for the past few days. The humidity makes it feel like we’re all swimming in hot water every time we walk outside. At times like this, it’s easy to stay inside and crank up the air conditioning and watch TV or something of the sort. I did not do much of that when I went to Kentucky this past weekend for a family reunion. All of the days I was there, the temperatures were hot, with the heat index hovering around over 100 degrees.  → Read more...
