Tag: sin
Ending the Year Well
Wow. Well, that was quick. Seems like Christmas was just yesterday. Wait, it was! Lame jokes aside, it’s the perfect opening for a quick meditation on what to do in the weird holiday zone between Christmas and New Years’ Eve. Many people are still on holiday, vacation and may still have a couple more Christmas parties on the docket, but by large, most of us have turned our focus on to the party that is New Year’s Eve. → Read more...
To God Be the Glory
As [Jesus] went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” (John 9:1-3) One of the wonders of reading the Bible is that you’ll come across something that maybe you’ve come across before, but this time, it sticks out. → Read more...
Community of Believers
In my reading time, I’ve been reading the book Heaven by Randy Alcorn. (A brief digression: This fantastic book is the subject of one of the classes premiering next Thursday as part of The Core. Pastor Howard will be teaching this class, using this book. If you’re interested, sign up online by visiting our website at www.calvaryop.org.) Heaven is a scholarly and fascinating dissection of what the Bible says about, well, Heaven. The author, Randy Alcorn, paints a beautiful and exciting picture of our future home that is well-researched and well-written with a lot of Biblical support in it. → Read more...
Float Like a Butterfly
We “all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23). This bible verse has burrowed its way inside my heart this week. This week, with the help of the Spirit, I’ve quietly taken stock on the ways I’ve fallen short and, boy, some days are better than others, but on all days, there’s always something. Sometimes it’s something small. Sometimes it’s something large. But my response is always the same: “Man, I wish I hadn’t done that.” → Read more...
Our Moment of Truth
Last night, my wife and I sat down to watch some television. We watched some American Idol (come on, you know you are too) and then after that was a new television game show on the FOX channel called Moment of Truth. The commercials about the show had interested us enough so we stayed tuned to see what it was like. The show’s premise and execution is very simple. You sit in a chair across from the host and get asked a variety of questions and you have to answer them truthfully. → Read more...
A Slice of Truth: Being Good
January 21, 2015
A Slice of Truth, Devotionals
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