Mary, Did You Know?
It’s interesting: the process of aging, getting older, usually means that when you hear the same stories that you’ve heard before, sometimes you discover something that you hadn’t noticed before. Life has given you a different perspective from when you heard the story originally. Nowhere else, for me at least, has this held true than the Christmas story. By age 30 – if you’ve been a life-long Christian like I am – the story gets very familiar. → Read more...
Remember Our Responsibility
My goal this year is to slow down and take a breath every now and then and renew and refocus my mind on what’s really important in this season: God and family, whether it is by blood or by the family we’ve built for ourselves through friends. So, for the month of December, this space will provide all of us with reminders of what’s really important this month. This week’s theme is: Remember Our Responsibility. In the past couple of weeks, we’ve reminded ourselves that Jesus is the reason for the season and that, in the frenzy of the holidays, we shouldn’t forget others, especially those in retail and customer service who are working tirelessly with many frustrated customers. → Read more...
Remember Those Who Serve You
Well, that didn’t take long. It’s officially December. By now, most people have turned their focus to Christmas. Decorations are going up, lights are being turned on, food is being cooked, plans are being made, and yes, gifts are being bought. This is the crazy time of the year that we love and hate. Love because of everything it stands for: family, gifts, love and warmth. Hate because of the money it costs, extra traffic, the frenzied traveling, and yes, sometimes family. → Read more...
The Legacy of a Christian, Pt. II
You can read Part I here. Last time, I talked about how our lives ought to be a legacy for Christ, and that when the time comes to go home to the Lord, we ought to leave no doubt about what we believed and where we are going after slipping through the door of death. We could do this by living a life based on the Bible, working hard, living humbly, being wise, and generally living with integrity. → Read more...
The Legacy of a Christian, Pt. I
Four weeks ago today, my grandfather passed away after a two-and-half year struggle with pancreatic cancer. It had gotten to the point where death was a relief and a release. Even though our family mourned the loss of his presence, we rejoiced more that he wouldn’t have to deal with any more pain or suffering. He is probably mowing grass in Heaven. One thing that struck me as our family went through the wake and the funeral was everyone we saw or met on those two days had nothing but wonderful things to say about my grandfather. → Read more...
What We’re Made to Be
For the past year, my wife and I have been the proud parents of a seven-year-old silky terrier named Melvin. We got him last July through a friend of a friend. Melvin’s past owners realized that, thanks to two newborn children, their life was incompatible with owning a dog who needed exercise and attention. They felt that the best thing they could do was to find him a good home. Upon hearing this from her friend, my friend who knew my family used to have a silky terrier contacted me and asked if I was interested. → Read more...
No one likes goodbyes, especially those that are a little bit more permanent than others. “See you later” is fine. That one is easier because it comes with an understanding that a short period of time will pass before you are able to see the other person. But, goodbyes, on the other hand, usually signify an even longer period of time, a time that is of uncertain length. Over these past two weeks, I find myself facing two kinds of goodbyes. → Read more...
To God Be the Glory
As [Jesus] went along, he saw a man blind from birth. His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” “Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus, “but this happened so that the work of God might be displayed in his life.” (John 9:1-3) One of the wonders of reading the Bible is that you’ll come across something that maybe you’ve come across before, but this time, it sticks out. → Read more...
What It All Means
February 23, 2012
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What is the meaning of life? That’s the question man has chased for centuries since he was first awoken on this planet. Why am I here? Indeed, after thousands of years, it seems that man is no closer to deciphering that answer. Like a dog chasing its tail, he keeps going around and around in circles, looking to science to discover the answer, looking to drugs to get out of solving for the answer, looking to philosophy and acquired knowledge to deduce the answer, looking to the heavens (what he can see of it) to detect the answer, looking everywhere he can to find the answer. → Read more...